Technology Radar Version #10
Quadrant 1Zoom in
Languages & Frameworks
We've placed development languages (such as Scala or Golang) here, as well as more low-level development frameworks (such as Play or Symfony), which are useful for implementing custom software of all kinds.
Quadrant 2Zoom in
Methods & Patterns
Here we put information on methods and patterns concerning development, continuous x, testing, organization, architecture, etc.
Quadrant 3Zoom in
Platforms & Operations
This quadrant clusters technologies around the operation of software and infrastructure related platforms, tools and services.
Quadrant 4Zoom in
Here we put different software tools - from small helpers to bigger software projects.
- New in this version
- Recently changed
- Unchanged
- Adopt
- Trial
- Assess
- Hold
- Adopt
- Trial
- Assess
- Hold