Anypoint Platform
Recently our teams migrated some project from Anypoint to "Apache Camel" or use "Alpakka" for integration work.
Anypoint platform (formerly known as Mule or Mule ESB) is an Enterprise Integration Platform written in Java.
Anypoint provides tools to use Enterprise Integration Patterns (EAI) and has a high number of ready-to-use connectors to communicate with software tools such as SAP, Salesforce, etc.
Anypoint Community Version is Open Source and contribution is possible. The platform is pluggable with own connectors. Mulesoft is also driving the RAML specification and related Open Source tools.
is a Mulesoft Partner and we use both the Community and Enterprise Versions of Anypoint. We use Anypoint as an API Gateway to combine and transform data from multiple backends. We use it as ESB or Integration platform for loose coupling of software components. We also use it as legacy modernization to provide modern APIs for legacy or external software.