Technology RadarTechnology Radar

Pin external dependencies

This item was not updated in last three versions of the Radar. Should it have appeared in one of the more recent editions, there is a good chance it remains pertinent. However, if the item dates back further, its relevance may have diminished and our current evaluation could vary. Regrettably, our capacity to consistently revisit items from past Radar editions is limited.

A lot of applications have dependencies on other modules or components. We have used different approaches regarding how and when these dependencies are resolved and have agreed on using a method we call "Pin (External) dependencies".

This is especially relevant for script languages, where the dependency management references the code and not immutable prebuild binaries - and therefore resolves the complete transient dependencies on the fly.

Most of these package- or dependency management solutions support two artefacts:

  • a semantic dependency definition. This defines the compatible versions of the required dependencies. (Composer: composer.json / npm: package.json)
  • a lock file defining the exact revisions of the dependencies and the transient dependencies (dependencies of dependencies). This is created after running the tool. (Composer: composer.lock / npm: npm-shrinkwrap.json / yarn: yarn.lock).

We suggest the following:

  • Keep the dependency definition AND the lock file in version control. This ensures that chained dependencies are also locked and you have changes of that file visible in your version control commit history. This helps finding issues or bugs that might relate to unintended updates in external modules or transient dependencies.
  • Build Step: The application build step should use the the pinned versions (with the help of the lock file) to ensure that the same revisions of the dependent packages are used.
  • It's also suggested to use local or central caches for the retrieval of packages. (E.g. artifactory as composer and npm cache)

For updating of dependencies define a process in the team. This can either be done on the dev-system or in a separate automated CI job - both resulting in updated dependency definitions in the applications VCS.