Technology RadarTechnology Radar
This item was not updated in last three versions of the Radar. Should it have appeared in one of the more recent editions, there is a good chance it remains pertinent. However, if the item dates back further, its relevance may have diminished and our current evaluation could vary. Regrettably, our capacity to consistently revisit items from past Radar editions is limited.

Most projects at have transitioned away from Groovy, and other testing frameworks for JVM languages are more advanced and user-friendly. Consequently, mentioning Spock no longer seems relevant.

Hold - Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications.

For the most parts we switched from Groovy to Java or Kotlin with JUnit 5. In this regard we think that the active community and regular updates and extension libraries of JUnit 5 cover everything we want or need. - Geb is a browser automation solution.

UI testing with Geb is replaced by Cypress or Playwright.

Adopt - Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications. What makes it stand out from the crowd is its beautiful and highly expressive specification language. Thanks to its JUnit runner, Spock is compatible with most IDEs, build tools and continuous integration servers. Spock is inspired from JUnit, jMock, RSpec, Groovy, Scala, Vulcans, and other fascinating life forms. - Geb is a browser automation solution. It brings together the power of WebDriver, the elegance of jQuery content selection, the robustness of Page Object modelling and the expressiveness of the Groovy language. It can be used for scripting, scraping and general automation or as a functional/web/acceptance testing solution via integration with testing frameworks such as Spock, JUnit & TestNG.

At AOE, we use Spock in combination with Geb in various projects for black-box testing. Mainly, we implement our functional integration and acceptance testing automation with these frameworks, which work together seamlessly. And, we also like the convenience of extending the tests with Groovy built-ins or custom extensions.

Because of the successful use in two of our large projects and the wide range of opportunities within the testing domain with Spock and Geb, we classify this combo with adopt.