Technology RadarTechnology Radar

Scala 3

This item was not updated in last three versions of the Radar. Should it have appeared in one of the more recent editions, there is a good chance it remains pertinent. However, if the item dates back further, its relevance may have diminished and our current evaluation could vary. Regrettably, our capacity to consistently revisit items from past Radar editions is limited.

Following up on the previous 'trial' we will move our existing Scala codebase to Scala 3 where possible. Some Frameworks like Play will need some time to allow us moving but for our smaller services a migration is possible.


Scala 3 is the successor of the Scala 2.x series programming language.

It's not just a small iteration on Scala 2 but a complete overhaul of the language trying to improve in several areas like:

  • Syntax
    • "quiet" syntax for control structures like if, while and for
    • optional new operator
    • Optional braces with significant-indentation syntax like in python
    • Completely revised implicits - see below
  • Contextual Abstractions focusing on intent instead of mechanics
    • Abstracting over contextual information with using
    • Providing type-class instances via given
    • direct extension method syntax extension (s: String) def pirate: String = s"$s arr!"
  • Type System improvements
    • enums
    • opaque types
    • intersection and union types
    • dependent function types
    • polymorphic function types
    • type lambdas
    • match types
  • Improvements for object oriented design
  • Completely new metaprogramming facilities while Scala 2 macros were removed

Even with these big changes Scala 3 provides a great compatibility story supporting Scala >2.13.5 libraries in Scala 3 projects and vice versa.

Although slowly we will update our existing Scala 2 codebase to Scala 3 over the next months and years to take advantage of the improvements made.