Node.js is a no- browser JavaScript execution runtime. Its basis is Google's V8 engine. Node is event-driven and follows a non-blocking I/O model.
It’s a good choice for restful APIs, realtime purposes or situations where many concurrent connections are expected, where each connection has a lightweight memory footprint.
Node allows separation of concerns by using its package manager npm, which is also the largest ecosystem of Open Source libraries (modules).
Modules are added as dependencies and offer a wide range of functionalities in a range from simple helper functions to mature web frameworks such as express.js.
Many PaaS providers (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure) support node, including deployment and monitoring services out of the box for scalable stateless applications.
At AOE, we successfully use Node.js-based applications for smaller services or internal tools such dashboards.
Node.js is a no- browser JavaScript execution runtime. Its basis is Google's V8 engine. Node is event-driven and follows a non-blocking I/O model.
It’s a good choice for restful APIs, realtime purposes or situations where many concurrent connections are expected, where each connection has a lightweight memory footprint.
Node allows separation of concerns by using its package manager npm, which is also the largest ecosystem of Open Source libraries (modules).
Modules are added as dependencies and offer a wide range of functionalities in a range from simple helper functions to mature web frameworks such as express.js.
Many PaaS providers (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure) support node, including deployment and monitoring services out of the box for scalable stateless applications.
At AOE, we successfully use Node.js-based applications for smaller services or internal tools such dashboards.