Technology RadarTechnology Radar


This item was not updated in last three versions of the Radar. Should it have appeared in one of the more recent editions, there is a good chance it remains pertinent. However, if the item dates back further, its relevance may have diminished and our current evaluation could vary. Regrettably, our capacity to consistently revisit items from past Radar editions is limited.

Since the rise of Kotlin, we seen no need why to still use Groovy as an alternative to Java running on the JVM.


Groovy is a dynamically typed compiled language running on the JVM. It is easy to learn as it provides a familiar syntax for Java programmers, but also offers advanced features such as closures and makes some mandatory Java syntax requirements optional to enhance the conciseness of the code. These features make Groovy especially well-suited for scripting and domain-specific languages. This is used by popular tools such as Gradle or Spock.

At AOE, Groovy is used in many projects and areas. We use Gradle as a build system, we carry out unit and integration testing with Spock and Geb, we generate Jenkins jobs with JobDSL and we implement complete services with Groovy and Spring Boot.